November Theme: Plant Lover

I am beyond excited to introduce the first theme of the brand new, Emily C Designs monthly subscription box, and it's Plant Lover! 

This is for all of those plant parents out there. Whether you're green fingered or a serial plant killer, this box will contain lots of pretty things for you to wear or enjoy. Plus, as this is the first instalment, it'll be a little bit bigger to celebrate! 

The image above is a little collage inspired by the theme, and will hopefully help you get the general vibe of the products inside the November box. If you'd like more detailed descriptions, here you go!

In the box, you will find an exclusive mini monstera deliciosa stud pack, containing two pairs of unique leafy stud earrings. There will also be an exclusive plant marker with some mixed wildflower seeds to be planted outside in the spring; perfect for attracting bees and butterflies! And the best bit? A one-of-a-kind statement pair of earrings with a potted banana plant on them, complete with classic terracotta pot. 

As this is the first of (hopefully!) many months of Emily C Designs subscription goodness, a few lucky recipients might also find a discount code for their next order! 


I'm really proud of this box, and I hope you love it as much as I do. Make sure to tag me in any cute selfies when you receive it! I'd love to know what you think.

Please note: the boxes will begin shipping out in the second week of November (week commencing Nov 7th) and orders for the November Plant Lover box will then close on Nov 13th. If you subscribe after this date, your first box will be the December one! 

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